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MySpace TV, will be set up as an independent Web site (www.myspacetv.com) that people can visit to share and watch video, even if they have not signed up for MySpace. The site will also offer some new ways for members of MySpace, which attracts 110 million users a month, to more easily integrate the videos they create and watch into their personal profiles.MySpace TV will be immediately available in 15 countries and 7 languages.

關於MySpace TV

MySpace 原本是一個社交網站,為了強化其影音分享,成立了MyspaceTV.com 以題升競爭力。原本影音分享只是MySpace社交網站中的一個功能而已,消費者如果要上傳視訊,必須先登記成會員,在進行上傳的動作。MySpaceTV.com 成立之後,用戶即使不登錄也可上傳視訊檔案進行分享。MySpaceTV網站,未來將在十五個國家推出,採用多達七種不同語言。

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